Developed countries are dumbfounded to believe a country as poor as North Korea, a country with a starving population and substantial international sanctions against it could invest so enough time and money into becoming a nuclear power. The decision seems irrational, if you don’t live in an unconventional country such as North Korea, which has never been accused of being rational. North Korea invests resources into an elite group experienced in cyber-crime for authorities profit. This combined group has pilfered technology from South Korea and more. It offers pilfered and infiltrated digital financial institutions far away and siphoned off Bit-coin transactions.
Stealing technology allows North Korea to advance more quickly than it would have been able to do alone and the price of research and development reduces significantly. Siphoning off money from others, also helps defray the cost of production. North Korea, nonetheless, has invested a substantial part of its estimated 28.4-billion-dollar economy. Is North Korea’s weaponry a real danger or only a negotiation strategy? North Korea has resorted to a number of plans to secure hard money including counterfeiting, offering missile parts to rogue countries in the Middle East, and exporting cheap labor abroad to places as distant as Poland.
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Even if North Korea chooses to dismantle its nuclear program, it’ll withhold the knowledge needed to repair. It now has advanced technological plans for weaponry, missiles, and nuclear weapons that could provide North Korea with a good amount of wealth should it opt to sell its information about those technologies to other rogue nations and even terrorist groups. It already has collaborative interactions with Pakistan, Iran, and Brazil.
Historically North Korea has threatened its neighbors as a negotiation strategy to get more aid. Until now, it posed little risk to its neighbors and appeasement was used as a diplomatic tool to diminish tensions with the North. Threats from a nuclear-armed North Korea would have to be taken seriously.
What will it take to eliminate North Korea’s nuclear weaponry? The North is acutely aware that when Libya (voluntarily surrendered), Iraq (facilities ruined by Israel), and Syria (facilities ruined by Israel) lost their nuclear development programs, these were invaded. At the same time, Iran’s refusal to give up its nuclear program led to an influx of money and the lifting of sanctions. The North thinks buying nuclear weaponry is a real way to push away any possible invasion.
This paranoid fear of invasion schedules to the Korean War. Although it was the North who at first invaded the South, the U.S. South Koreans went beyond the mandate to liberate South Korea and forced the pugilative war well into North Korean place. The fate of Libya and Iraq once they surrendered nuclear ambitions fortifies these fears.