Leigh Cramer is incorrect to state that I’m against wine investment. It exists and clearly in today’s economic climate a restricted number of wines have certainly out-performed other more traditional forms of investment. Of course agents and fine wine merchants charge a commission payment when selling wines. I have recommended they don’t never. As wine investment is generally a medium to long term investment, it makes sense to pay a commission when you wish to sell. Otherwise it is flawlessly possible that paying the fee on the purchase will also mean paying a payment during the sale as the company your wine was purchased from could have ceased trading when your client wants to market.
Granted, Merrill Lynch may not be a pure investment bank like Goldman Sachs or Lehman Brothers. It is more of a broker and was once affectionately known as America’s broker (it was considered the average citizen’s broker.) Nevertheless, it probably will belong in the investment bank or investment company category more than the commercial bank or investment company one.
- 293 The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. (NYSE:PBG) -54.2% 18.07 39.46
- Groups with highest % of shares making new highs
- Risk free as the returns are set and secure
- ► Jul 11 (2)
- 9 Rev. Rul. 77-17, 1977-1 C.B. 44
I have no idea why Ken Lewis purchased Merrill Lynch. Before someone mistaken what I’m stating, let me say that I am not as critical of Ken Lewis as many others. Some are contacting for his mind, for the buyouts of Merrill Countrywide and Lynch, but I believe he should get time. Do take note, though, that I’m speaking as an observer and not as a shareholder.
Yield is the return or revenue on investment, revenue is Yield minus tax or expenses. It may not cover every form of investment, but in general it should show the diff. Difference between produce and profit? Profit is the difference between the amount earned and the amount spend in buying, producing or working on something to get a financial benefit.
Yield is to create or provide especially in agricultural or commercial sector. It is the full amount of agricultural or commercial product also. The difference between not for profit and nonprofit? What’s the difference between non-revenue rather than for profit? There is absolutely no difference. What’s the difference between non-income hospitals and for profit hospitals?
What is the difference between not for income and nonprofit? There is no difference They may be synonyms. What is the difference between non-profit and not-for-profit? There isn’t difference; they indicate the same thing. What’s the difference between non-profit and not-for-profit? No difference. They suggest the same thing.
What is the difference between not-profit and non-profit? No difference. They mean the same thing. Distinguish between net revenue and gross income? Gross profit is the difference between earnings and direct expenses related to the merchandise while net income is the difference between gross income and other operating indirect expenses. What’s the difference between revenue making accounting rather than for income making accounting? The difference between revenue making accounting rather than for profit making accounting is, that question should answer itself! What’s the difference between YTD Return to Yield? What is the difference between a discount produce and a bond-equivalent yield?